GIS Portfolio

New Maps Plus student based in Ohio. It's maps, y'all!

Police Pursuits Thumbnail

Mapping Police Pursuits

Maps traffic fatalities involving police pursuits, using NHTSA data, and suggests mapping as a tool to further study pursuit-related fatalities. Map created QGIS 3.22.5. The basemap uses OpenStreetMap and Census TIGER data. Poster created in Adobe Illustrator.


Ranked Choice Voting Initiatives

Ballot initiatives on RCV or approval voting, and placed on the ballot between 2018 and 2022, are mapped using pie charts on this map.

School Districts Thumbnail

Median Incomes of Ohio School Districts

Static chloropleth map showing median household incomes of Ohio's school districts. Map created using Leaflet. Data from the Ohio Department of Education's 2018 District Profile Report.

Wind Turbines Thumbnail

Concentration of Wind Turbines

Static hexbinned map showing concentration of wind turbines in the United States. Data from United States Wind Turbine Database.

Road Closure Thumbnail

Troy Ohio Road Closures (Contributor)

Rudimentary ArcGIS StoryMap allowing collaboration across City departments, and accessible to residents.

Power Plants Thumbnail

Power Plant Sources

Interactive Leaflet map showing power source for power plants across the United States.

Troy Main Street

Troy Main Street Map

Interactive Leaflet map showing local businesses.

Hi guys!

Hi, Lauren here! I'm finishing MAPS 673 this semester--hit me up with collaboration ideas, cat photos, advice or requests.

Check out my site here.